Our kennel is located in Maryland, USA, on a serene and tranquil property where five generations of our gentle Sammies, seniors and "young'uns" can run and frolic in a secure and healthy environment.
CH Donnereign Silver Frost Sitara playing sticks with son
Silver Frost Surya
. . . a tight knit pack of a gentle breed...
Grandma Sitara caring for and grooming daughter Pulchra's puppy, Rainbow!
Three generations taking care of the fourth. Pulchra, Kiran, Sitara and two weeks old puppy, Rainbow.
Contact us by email at: silverfrostsamoyeds@gmail.com
by phone at: 1-301-570-0022

This breed is among the handful of the most ancient dog breeds. Legend has it that some 3,000 years ago it was bred and trained by the Nenets and other Samoyedic tribes of Central Asia for herding and sled pulling and for warmth to sleep with. The closeness between the tribespeople and their dogs was such that they not just worked and slept together but if a woman died in childbirth the infant was suckled by a female dog and if a bitch died in whelping human mothers would nurse the pups. This extraordinary closeness with humans bred a highly intelligent yet mellow and trusting temperament in the dogs: protective without being aggressive,
and intuitive to the point of being telepathic. The breed was black and golden coated then. Over time tribal wars drove these tribes farther and farther to the north and they took their dogs along. They finally settled in North West Russia and the Siberian tundra. There, over the millennia, the coat of the dog evolved into white.
In Russia the breed is known as Samoiedskaya or Nenetskaya. In the West it is known as Samoyed, after the name of the tribe, or as Bjelkier. Today in Southeast Asia there are still black and golden dogs very similar in appearance to the Samoyed but smaller and with a less profuse coat, but with uncommon intelligence. We owned a couple of them while on assignment in the Philippines. They are known as "Chinese Chows" there, (not to be confused with Chow Chows). Earlier editions of the Encyclopedia Britannica suggest that these are the forerunners of today's Samoyed.
Modern Samoyeds are typed by the shape and quality of their heads: "bear" or "wolf". The "bear" type has a broader, rounder and more massive head, and the "wolf" type is more akin to the arctic wolf in muzzle and ears. Both are handsome and impressive. But there is a third type, the "Classic".
The "Classic" head is proportioned to present an aspect of sheer beauty with perfect "Sammie Smile". This coupled with structural bodily strength and a true double coat of incredibly soft and thick undercoat and long and straight, silver-blue-tipped outer guard hairs gives the "Classic" Samoyed that unique and impressive quality: stunning beauty with power.
"Classic" Samoyeds have bloodlines kept more or less true to the original dogs that Antarctic/Arctic explorers like Roald Amundsen, Nansen and Robert Scott first brought out of the Russian tundra to the West. The earliest Kennels like Clara and Ernest Killburn-Scott's pioneer kennel, Kobe, and that of Tsuilikagta no longer exist but they have left their legacy of a very few, but extraordinarily beautiful bloodlines.
Silver Frost Samoyeds have the "Classic" bloodlines.
Mom Pulchra and Grandma Sitara grooming puppy Rainbow
A breed so gentle and trusting that a child can pick off a nursing pup without any aggression from the mother.
Copyright: Zehra R. Post. Website creation: Zehra R. Post Photos: Zehra R. Post
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